About Us
Research Scholars' Association of Physics (RSAP) is a students' body recognized by Department of Physics, IIT Bombay.
RSAP was inaugurated in 2009, but its formal council was established in 2019.
We undertake the responsibility of organizing formal and informal events for all research scholars in the department of physics at IIT Bombay.
Aim of RSAP
Organise department level events like Symphy
Encourage senior-junior interaction through meet and greet events, freshers, etc
Resolve academic and non-academic issues of the research scholars
RSAP council members 2023-24.
We are here to help you. You can always contant us in case of any issue.

Murali Aadhitya M S
General Secretary muraliaadhitya@iitb.ac.in
Yash Patley
Cultural Secretary 22d1060@iitb.ac.in
Md Sohel Mondal
Web Manager mdsohel@iitb.ac.in
Prapti Roy
Maintenance Secretary praptiroy@iitb.ac.in
Rahul Verma
Treasurer 22d1058@iitb.ac.inGeneral information
Whom to contact when you face any problems?