The scientific program will consist of invited and contributed oral presentations and also a poster session. based on original research work. Undergraduate students, research scholars, project staff and post-doctoral fellows working on topics in physics are invited to register for the symposium. TalksThe contributed talks are scheduled for 12 minutes plus 3 minutes Q&A. Students of physics and other related departments of IIT Bombay are encouraged to present their original research work for these contributed talks. Students and/or Professors of Institutions outside of IIT Bombay are also invited to present their research work for these contributed talks. PostersThere will be poster sessions on both days. The posters must fit within 84.1 x 118.4cm, 33.11 x 46.61 inches (A0 size). The material necessary to mount the posters will be provided. Downloads |
© Symphy 2015 |Department of Physics |IIT Bombay. |