Day 1 : 10th December 2023 |
Registration : 8:30am to 8:45am, Inauguration : 8:45am to 9am () |
Time |
Speakers |
Talk Title |
Links |
9:00-10:15 |
Shiraz Minwalla |
New Entropy formulae from Grey Galaxies and Revolving black holes in AdS | |
10:15:10:45 |
Tea Break |
| |
10:45-11:15 |
Jungii Yoon |
Gravitational edge mode for super-JT gravity | |
11:15-11:45 |
Nilakash Sorokhaibam |
Quantum chaos and the arrow of time | |
11:45-12:15 |
Shailesh Lal |
The R-Matrix Machine | |
12:15:12:30 |
Taniya Mandal |
Tale of the loss landscape in machine learning and black holes | |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch |
| |
14:00-14:30 |
Pramod Shukla |
A toolkit for global model building in string phenomenology ! | |
14:30-15:45 |
Suvrat Raju |
Holography of information in de Sitter space | |
15:45-16:15 |
Tea Break |
| |
16:15-16:45 |
Dibya Chakraborty |
The Conspiracy of dS Space in String Theory | |
16:45-17:00 |
Somnath Porey |
Comments on some interesting features of non-time-ordered correlators | |
17:00-17:15 |
Anshul Mishra |
Stable Non-BPS black holes | |
17:15-17:30 |
Debarshi Basu |
Islands and dynamics at the interface | |
17:30-17:45 |
Ankit Anand |
Traversable Wormholes generated by Gauge Fields | |
18:00-18:30 |
Parallel Discussions |
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Day 2 : 11th December 2023 |
Time |
Speakers |
Talk Title |
Links |
9:00-10:15 |
Seok Kim |
Finite N black hole cohomologies | |
10:15:10:45 |
Tea Break |
| |
10:45-11:15 |
Eric Bergshoeff |
11:15-11:45 |
Jeevan Chandra |
Toward random tensor networks and holographic codes in CFT | |
11:45-12:15 |
Justin David |
Thermal one point functions in holography and large N-models | |
12:15:12:30 |
Vinayak Raj |
Reflected entropy for conformal fields in a black hole background | |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch |
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14:00-14:30 |
Poster |
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14:30-15:45 |
Rajesh Gopakumar |
Beyond Free Fields in AdS_3/CFT_2 | |
15:45-16:15 |
Tea Break |
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16:15-16:45 |
Discussion |
| |
16:45-17:00 |
Hareram Swain |
Black hole complementarity from microstate models | |
17:00-17:15 |
Tanay Kibe | |
17:15-17:30 |
Sayan Kumar Das |
Scaling of holographic entanglement entropy in continuous phase transition | |
17:30-17:45 |
Suman Das |
Brickwall Normal Modes and Emerging Thermality | |
18:00-18:30 |
Parallel |
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Day 3 : 12th December 2023 |
Time |
Speakers |
Talk Title |
Links |
9:00-10:15 |
Alok Laddha |
Positive Geometries of Non-Planar Scalar Field theories |
10:15:10:45 |
Tea Break |
| |
10:45-11:15 |
Atul Sharma |
The role of twistors in celestial holography | |
11:15-11:45 |
Shahin Sheikh Jabbari |
11:45-12:15 |
Julio Parra-Martinez |
Black hole tides and scattering amplitudes |
12:15:12:30 |
Omkar Shetye |
Influence Phase of a de Sitter Observer | |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch |
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14:00-14:30 |
Poster |
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14:30-15:45 |
Shamik Banerjee |
Asymptotic symmetries and scattering amplitudes | |
15:45-16:15 |
Tea Break |
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16:15-16:45 |
Upamanyu Moitra |
Entanglement Entropy in String Compactifications |
16:45-17:00 |
Faizan Bhat |
Bootstrapping High-Energy Observables | |
17:00-17:15 |
Amartya Saha |
Soft Theorem from Carrollian Physics | |
17:15-17:30 |
Aritra Pal |
Conformal integrals in various dimensions and Clifford groups | |
17:30-17:45 |
Discussions |
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18:00-18:30 |
Discussions |
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Day 4 : 13th December 2023 |
Time |
Speakers |
Talk Title |
Links |
9:00-10:15 |
Sameer Murthy |
New attractors for the black hole index | |
10:15:10:45 |
Tea Break |
| |
10:45-11:15 |
Guillaume Bossard |
String theory at U-duality corners | |
11:15-11:45 |
Aninda Sinha |
Field theory expansions of string theory amplitudes | |
11:45-12:15 |
Naveen Pravakar |
Two dimensional QCD with quarks in large gauge representations | |
12:15:12:30 |
Sachin Grover |
Finding G_2 Higgs branch of 4D rank 1 SCFTs |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch |
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14:00-14:30 |
Poster |
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14:30-15:45 |
Alexander Zhiboedov |
The stringy S-matrix bootstrap | |
15:45-16:15 |
Tea Break |
| |
16:15-16:45 |
Satoshi Nawata |
Class S on S^2 |
16:45-17:00 |
Sachin Chauhan |
q-series invariants of 3-manifold | |
17:00-17:15 |
Shanmugapriya Prakasam |
Positivity checks on microscopic indices | |
17:15-17:30 |
Muktajyoti Saha |
Logarithmic corrections for near-extremal black holes | |
17:30-17:45 |
Swathi T S |
Generalised SYK Models in the double scaling limit | |
18:00-18:30 |
parallel |
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18:30-19:30 |
Dance program |
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19:30-22:00 |
Conference dinner |
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Day 5 : 14th December 2023 |
Time |
Speakers |
Talk Title |
Links |
9:00-10:15 |
10:15:10:45 |
Tea Break |
10:45-11:15 |
Amitabh Virmani |
Killing Spinors for Finite Temperature Euclidean Solutions at the BPS Bound | |
11:15-11:45 |
Sarthak Parikh |
One-dimensional higher-point conformal blocks as free-particle wave functions in products of AdS_3 | |
11:45-12:15 |
Mohsen Alishahiha |
Quantum Complexity and Chaos |
12:15:12:30 |
Hemant Rathi |
AdS_2/CFT_1 holography at finite charge density | |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch |
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14:00-14:30 |
Poster |
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14:30-15:45 |
Ashoke Sen |
D-Instantons | |
15:45-16:15 |
Tea Break |
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16:15-16:45 |
Discussion |
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16:45-17:00 |
Priyadarshi Paul |
Quantum Field Theory at Spatial Infinity | |
17:00-17:15 |
Tuneer Chakraborty |
Hilbert Space of Quantum Gravity in de Sitter Space | |
17:15-17:30 |
Shuvayu Roy |
Causality Criteria from Stability Analysis at Ultra-High Boost | |
17:30-17:45 |
Baishali Roy |
Information Scrambling in Driven CFTs and its holographic bulk dual | |
18:00-18:30 |
Parallel |
| |
Day 6 : 15th December 2023 |
Time |
Speakers |
Talk Title |
Links |
9:00-10:15 |
Sunil Mukhi |
Recent developments in the classification of unitary rational CFT | |
10:15:10:45 |
Tea Break |
| |
10:45-11:15 |
Sridip Pal |
A new angle on CFT spectra | |
11:15-11:45 |
Apratim Kaviraj |
More point-ed tools for bootstrapping CFTs | |
11:45-12:15 |
Parijat Day |
Conformal field theory near a wedge | |
12:15:12:30 |
Ritankar Chatterjee |
Adventures in the Tensionless Corner of String Theory | |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch |
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14:00-14:30 |
Diksha Jain |
The S-matrix and boundary correlators in flat space | |
14:30-15:00 |
Shiroman Prakash |
Planar Large N Fixed Points with Little or No Supersymmetry | |
15:00-15:30 |
Sucheta Majumdar |
Some news on 3D Einstein-Maxwell Theory | |
15:30-15:45 |
Nishant Gupta |
Chiral W-Algebra Symmetries of 3d conformal gravity | |
15:45-16:15 |
Tea Break |
| |
16:15-16:45 |
Kausik Ghosh |
Efficient Numerical Conformal Bootstrap using Analytic Functionals | |
16:45-17:00 |
Vineeth Krishna |
Supersymmetric Grey Galaxies and Revolving Black Holes | |
17:00-17:15 |
Julius Julius |
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17:15-17:30 |
Kaberi Goswami |
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17:30-17:45 |
Shraiyance Jain |
Properties of multi-party entanglement | |
Day 7 : 16th December 2023 |
Time |
Speakers |
Talk Title |
Links |
7:30-10:30 |
Campus Walk + Hill Trek |
10:30-11:00 |
Tea Break |
11:00-11:15 |
Banashree Baishya |
Pole-skipping and chaos in D3-D7 brane | |
11:15-11:45 |
Semanti Dutta |
Bulk entanglement for excited states in AdS_3 | |
11:45-12:15 |
Subramanya Hegde |
Cutting loops and building bridges on the Coulomb branch | |
12:15:12:30 |
Kanhu Kishore Nanda |
Entanglement entropy in internal spaces and Ryu-Takyanagi Surafces | |
12:30-12:45 |
Tanmoy Sengupta |
| |
12:45-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-14:30 |
Parthajit Biswas |
Black hole thermodynamics and Bousso bound for higher curvature gravity | |
14:30-14:45 |
Prateksh Dhivakar |
An entropy current and the second law in higher derivative theories of gravity | |
14:45-15:00 |
Meenu |
| |
15:00-15:45 |
Debashis Ghoshal |
Summary talk | |
15:45-16:00 |
Vote of thanks |
16:00-16:30 |
Tea Break |
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