Soft Matter : Young Investigators e-Meet 2021
(e-SMYIM 2021)

14 - 16 October, 2021

About e-SMYIM 2021

The virtual Soft Matter Young Investigators Meet (e-SMYIM) 2021, aims to bring together scientists and engineers in the broad area of soft-matter research, to exchange ideas, encourage new directions and kick-start fruitful collaborations. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the field, the meeting aims to bring those working on a wide variety of topics, that include colloidal/polymer/granular-matter – dynamics, self-assembly of mesoscopic structures, and the interface of soft matter, chemistry, and biology, and foster an environment that motivates high quality technical discourse that reaches beyond the horizon of any particular discipline.

The very first SMYIM happened in the year 2014 and has been continuing as an annual event ever since. The previous meetings in Pondicherry (2014 and 2015), Goa (2016), Shimla (2018), Shilong (2019) and e-SMYIM (2020) were very successful. This year, like the last, the event will be held online due to the ongoing COVID pandemic. We invite you to participate in the meeting.

e-SMYIM 2021 will be a 2.5 day-long meet, in a rather informal setting, with a schedule that encourages extended discussions.

In this meeting you will,

  • Get an opportunity to meet and know other early career soft matter researchers in the country and personnel from industry
  • Present some of your ongoing work in your lab and talk about future directions of research
  • Build collaborations across the country

We also conduct a Mini Talks session for senior students who are working in the area of soft matter.

All the registered participants (from India) of e-SMYIM 2021 will be offered 50% discounted ACS membership sponsored by ACS.

Scientific Areas of Interest

(that include, but not limited to)

  • Self Assembly of Soft Matters
  • Biological Aspects of Soft Matter
  • Surfaces, Interfaces & Interactions
  • Colloids, Complex Fluids & Liquid Crystals
  • Active Biomaterials and Active Matter Physics
  • Nanomaterials & Polymer Nanocomposites