SymPhy 2025


8th March 2025

First Floor, Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Bombay

P-01 Anuraag Arya Development of a Compton Imager Setup

P-02 Gopal Parwani GRBs, Locatization of GRBs, or Stellar Evolution

P-03 Mehul Goyal Gamma Ray Burst Afterglows

P-04 Samridh Tiwari Automated Photometric Analysis of Asteroid Rotation Periods from Survey Data

P-05 Ayush Lonakadi and Manaswi Goyal Real/bogus classification of astrophysical transients using machine learning

P-06 Gopal Parwani Localization of Gamma Ray Bursts Using AstroSat

P-07 Yashowardhan Rai PolPy - a Unique Tool to Probe the Frontiers of GRB Polarization

P-08 Subhadeep Roy Multiplicity and transverse spherocity dependence study of the two-particle correlation functions

P-09 Ravi Singh Angular momentum distribution inside a nucleon

P-10 Pampa Dey Intermittent dynamics of a Camphor-infused paper disk

P-11 Taniya Khatun Experimental evidence of community switching and global synchronization

P-12 Suryansh Srijan Lunar compositional groups from X-ray line flux ratios using Chandrayaan-2

P-13 Shrutija Swain Stochastic Resetting using a hex-bug

P-14 Tanishk Mohan Characterization of telescope and camera properties of GROWTH-India telescope

P-15 Atreyi Dasgupta CZTI Interface for Fast Transients

P-16 Ravi Kumar Semi-Transparent Coded Aperture Masks with Daksha

P-17 Ashwajit Singh FPGA based Real-Time Readout System for a CZT Detector Array

P-18 Anjuman Ara Khatun Motion of Janus-like particle at air-water interface

P-19 Sapna Constructing Logic Gate using Active Matter

P-20 Arnav Jain Symmetry based Understanding of deterministic spin orbit torque switching